About New Mexico Weather

NM Climate Center Logo

This website is a service of the NM Climate Center, which is located in the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences at New Mexico State University's Main Campus in Las Cruces, NM. Real-time weather data from the ZiaMet network, and daily precipitation observations from CoCoRaHS are provided here.

What is ZiaMet?

The ZiaMet Weather Station Network is a state-wide mesonet that monitors surface weather conditions and sub-surface soil conditions. The network first began operations in 1985 and was maintained with minimal external sponsorship. By 2015, the NM Climate Center was able to secure sponsorship from the National Mesonet Program, and this was the year we began using the ZiaMet moniker.

The Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow (CoCoRaHS) Network

CoCoRaHS is a nationwide network of volunteer precipitation observers that uses inexpensive rain gauges to report daily precipitation. New Mexico has been a participant in this program since 2005 and the NM Climate Center is the state coordinating office.

If you are interested in contributing to the body of knowledge about weather in your area, we encourage you to sign up to be a volunteer observer. It only takes a few minutes a day and is a fun and easy way to keep track of the precipitation falling (or not falling) in your backyard.

Data Disclaimer

All data featured on this website from the ZiaMet network and CoCoRaHS should be considered provisional and not be used in any legal proceedings. Unless otherwise stated, any web-based data tools provided on this website will also be using provisional data and should be used for informational purposes only.

Contact Information

Dr. Dave DuBois
MSC 3Q, PO BOX 30003
Las Cruces, NM 88003
Phone: 575-646-2974
E-mail: dwdubois@nmsu.edu