New Mexico Weather

Welcome to the home of the ZiaMet Weather Station Network. ZiaMet is a service of the NM Climate Center. This website also features CoCoRaHS precipitation data for New Mexico. Below are the most current observations for ZiaMet weather stations at NMSU locations across the state, the current CoCoRaHS precipitation map, and the US Drought Monitor map for New Mexico.

ZiaMet @ NMSU Data for 27 July 2024

Station Time Temperature (F) Precipitation (in)
Latest Max Min Total
Alcalde ASC 03:45 59.1 67.2 59.1 0.00
Artesia ASC 04:15 72.4 81.4 72.4 0.00
Chihuahua Desert Range RC 04:00 76.6 81.0 76.4 0.00
Clayton LRC 04:00 64.1 72.6 64.1 0.00
Clovis ASC 04:15 62.5 74.4 62.1 0.00
Corona Range LRC 04:15 59.5 64.1 59.1 0.00
Fabian Garcia RC 04:15 78.2 84.2 78.2 0.00
Farmington ASC 04:15 67.6 74.6 67.6 0.00
JTH Forestry Research Center 04:10 52.5 55.1 52.4 0.00
Leyendecker II PSRC 04:15 71.8 77.0 71.6 0.00
Los Lunas ASC 04:15 62.0 67.1 61.8 0.00
NMSU Main Campus 04:15 77.5 84.1 77.5 0.00
Tucumcari ASC 04:10 67.1 77.0 67.1 0.00

The data above is from ZiaMet stations located on NMSU campus and the off-campus science centers, and is showing the most recent five minute reports.

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Latest CoCoRaHS Map

Map of the daily CoCoRaHS precipitation in New Mexico.

Figure 1. Source: CoCoRaHS and NM Climate Center

Drought Status

Map of the current drought status in New Mexico.

Figure 2. The U.S. Drought Monitor is jointly produced by the National Drought Mitigation Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Map courtesy of NDMC-UNL. Source: US Drought Monitor